' 'HOME I'M DARLING' by Laura Wade

Directed by Liz Munro
Johnny and Judy have agreed to live their home lives as if they were living in the 1950s. A simpler more wholesome time where everyone knew their place. He earns the money and she stays at home tending to home and hearth. But how happily married are the happily married? Every couple needs a little fantasy to keep their marriage sparkling, but behind the chintz curtains and the freshly aired bedrooms perhaps the fantasy is unravelling....were the 1950s as effortless and fabulous as Judy believes? Compromise is the art of any relationship...but does that mean nobody gets what they want? Can they make the inevitable transition without breaking up?
Season: 19-27 April 2024 staged at Red Tree Theatre.
Rehearsals will begin week of 20 January 2024, 1-3 times per week at RTT.

About our Director: Liz Munro
*NIDA trained Director
*Completed many shows for The Genesian Theatre (Sydney) including A Room with a View, Murdered to Death, Ladies in Black and My Friends and Other Animals.
*Production Manager and Stage Manager for many years at NIDA and The Genesian Theatre.
*Loves involving the actors in character development and story arcs.
*Believes in getting the show on its feet sooner rather than later.
*Has a collaborative style of direction
*New to Central Coast and WDG!!
Judy - Kelsey Hunter
Johnny - Kyle Walbank
Fran - Madi Leidich
Marcus - Steve Burchill
Alex - Yvonne Adamski
Sylvia - Ruth Crawley